Cast Iron Plant


Ships 1-3 days*


Small, 1 to 3 ft or 6 inch pot
Medium, 3 to 4 ft or 8 to 10 inch pot
Large, 4 to 5 ft or 8 to 10 inch pot
XL, 5 to 6 ft or 10 to 12 inch pot
XXL, 6 to 7 ft or 10 to 14 inch pot

Please Note: Sizing can differ between plant varieties. Please chat with us if you need clarification.

*Measured from the bottom of the pot.


The Cast Iron Plant is known for its tough, hardy nature and lush, dark green leaves, making it a resilient and attractive addition to any indoor space. Its elegant, upright foliage brings a touch of natural beauty to your home decor.

  • Botanical name: Aspidistra elatior
  • Grown in the USA

Prefers low to medium indirect sunlight

Water when the top inch of soil is dry. Approximately every 1-2 weeks.

The Cast Iron Plant is generally easy to care for.

Yes, this plant is safe for homes with pets.

Note: The Cast Iron Plant is extremely tolerant of neglect and can thrive in low-light conditions, making it an excellent choice for new plant parents.

*The pot pictured is not included.


The Cast Iron Plant, a hardy and timeless indoor plant, is celebrated for its broad, dark green leaves that bring a touch of elegance and durability to any living space. This plant, known for its resilience and low maintenance, creates an instant focal point, infusing your home or office with a sense of natural beauty and tranquility. The Cast Iron Plant not only enhances your interior decor but also thrives in low light conditions, making it a versatile choice for various indoor environments. Its evergreen presence ensures year-round beauty, making it a popular choice for those who appreciate both the aesthetic and practical benefits of indoor plants.


Slow growth rate; can reach a mature height of 2-3 feet and a width of 1-2 feet indoors.


Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Water thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

The Cast Iron Plant thrives in low to moderate indirect sunlight and can adapt to lower light conditions, making it perfect for a variety of indoor settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Cast Iron Plant typically grows to a height of about 2 to 3 feet and can spread to about 2 to 3 feet in width. Its growth is quite slow and the plant generally maintains a compact, upright posture, which makes it an excellent choice for indoor areas where space is limited.

Its leaves are broad and tend to grow straight up from the soil, giving the plant a dense, bushy appearance. Because of its moderate size and slow growth rate, the Cast Iron Plant is ideal for floor spaces, corners, or areas that might not accommodate faster-growing or larger indoor plants. It’s particularly well-suited for underplanting in indoor settings or in shaded outdoor spaces where other plants might struggle.

The Cast Iron Plant grows very slowly, which is part of what makes it so low-maintenance and well-suited to indoor environments. Typically, you can expect it to grow about 2 to 8 inches per year, depending on its care and environment.

Factors Affecting Growth Rate:
Light: While it can tolerate low light, slightly brighter (though still indirect) light can encourage slightly faster growth.
Watering and Nutrition: Regular, moderate watering and occasional feeding during the growing season can support healthier and somewhat quicker growth. However, overwatering or overfertilizing can harm the plant.
Temperature: Consistent, moderate temperatures without fluctuations are ideal for encouraging steady growth.

Despite these factors, the Cast Iron Plant’s growth remains relatively modest, making it an excellent choice for spaces where a rapidly expanding plant would be impractical. This slow growth rate also means it rarely needs repotting and can thrive in the same spot for years with just basic care.

The Cast Iron Plant is renowned for its adaptability and can thrive in various indoor environments. Here's how to determine the best place for your Cast Iron Plant in your home or office:

Light Requirements
Low to Medium Light: This plant excels in low to medium light conditions. It's perfect for spots that are too dim for most other plants, such as hallways, bathrooms, or rooms with north-facing windows.

Avoid Direct Sunlight: While the Cast Iron Plant is quite tolerant, it's best to avoid placing it in direct sunlight, which can scorch its leaves. A location that receives filtered light or is shaded for most of the day is ideal.

Temperature and Drafts
Stable Temperature: The ideal temperature range for a Cast Iron Plant is between 60°F and 80°F (15°C to 27°C). It can tolerate fluctuations within this range but should be kept away from drafty areas and away from air conditioning units and heaters, which can create sudden temperature changes.

Moderate Humidity: This plant does well in typical household humidity levels but will also tolerate lower humidity environments, which makes it versatile for various indoor settings.

Spatial Considerations
Floor Placement: Because of its upright growth and tolerance for shade, it's often used as a floor plant in corners or alongside furniture. Just ensure it has enough space for its leaves to spread out without crowding.

Accessibility for Maintenance
Easy Access: Although it's a low-maintenance plant, ensure you place it somewhere accessible for occasional watering and cleaning of its leaves, which can collect dust.

By considering these factors and finding a location that meets these criteria, you'll help ensure your Cast Iron Plant remains healthy and continues to add beauty to your space with minimal fuss.

Caring for the Cast Iron Plant involves straightforward practices that help maintain its health and vibrant appearance. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you nurture your plant:

Low to Moderate Light: The Cast Iron Plant thrives in low to moderate light conditions. It can tolerate dimly lit rooms better than most plants, making it ideal for spaces with little natural light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

Consistent Moisture: Water when the top 50% of the soil has dried out. Water thoroughly until excess water drains out of the bottom of the pot. Be cautious of overwatering, as this plant is susceptible to root rot.

Humidity and Temperature
Moderate Humidity: While the Cast Iron Plant does well in typical home humidity levels, it doesn’t require high humidity to thrive.
Ideal Temperature: Keep the temperature between 60°F and 80°F (15°C to 27°C). Avoid placing your plant in drafty areas or near sources of heat or cold drafts.

Balanced Fertilizer: Feed your Cast Iron Plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce feeding in the winter to every other month or stop altogether, depending on the plant’s response and growth.

Pruning and Cleaning
Prune for Shape: Prune any yellowed or dead leaves to keep the plant looking tidy and to encourage healthy growth. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruners.
Clean Leaves: Dust can accumulate on the broad leaves, so wipe them occasionally with a damp cloth to remove dust and help the plant efficiently photosynthesize.

Regular Repotting: Consider repotting every 2-3 years or when the plant becomes root-bound. Choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one and use a well-draining potting mix.

Pest Management
Monitor for Pests: Keep an eye out for pests like spider mites, mealybugs, and scale. Treat any infestations early with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

By following these care tips, your Cast Iron Plant should grow well and remain a robust, attractive addition to your indoor space.

Watering frequency for the Cast Iron Plant should be moderate and cautious, as it's a very drought-tolerant plant. Here’s how to determine the right watering schedule:

Check Soil Moisture: Water the Cast Iron Plant when the top 50% of the soil is dry. You can check this by sticking your finger into the soil up to your knuckle. If it feels dry at this depth, it’s time to water.

Watering Frequency: Typically, this might mean watering every 1 to 2 weeks, depending on factors like the humidity, temperature, and light conditions in your home. In cooler or less bright environments, the frequency might decrease.

Water Thoroughly: When you water, do so thoroughly until water runs out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. This ensures that the water reaches the entire root system.

Avoid Overwatering: Make sure to allow any excess water to drain away completely. The Cast Iron Plant does not like to sit in waterlogged soil, as this can lead to root rot.

By adjusting your watering practices to the needs of your Cast Iron Plant and the conditions of your environment, you can help ensure its health and longevity.

No, the Cast Iron Plant is not toxic to pets. It is considered one of the safer houseplants when it comes to pet safety. Both cats and dogs can be around this plant without the risk of toxicity, making it a great choice for pet owners looking for a hardy and attractive indoor plant.

The Cast Iron Plant is exceptionally drought-tolerant and can survive extended periods without water. Under typical indoor conditions, it can often go for several weeks—up to a month—without watering, especially if it's in a cooler area with low light. However, for optimal health and growth, it's best to water the plant when the top inch or so of the soil feels dry to the touch. Regular, albeit infrequent, watering will help keep the plant healthy, preventing the leaves from drying out and turning brown at the tips.

The Cast Iron Plant earned its common name due to its impressive resilience and durability. This plant is known for its ability to withstand neglect, poor light conditions, low humidity, temperature extremes, and irregular watering. These characteristics make it as tough as "cast iron," hence the name. It’s an ideal choice for areas where other plants might struggle to thrive, such as low-light corners of homes and offices, making it a popular choice for both novice and experienced plant enthusiasts.

You should consider repotting a Cast Iron Plant every 2 to 3 years or when it outgrows its current pot. Signs that it's time to repot include roots that are circling the surface of the soil or emerging from the drainage holes. Spring and early summer are the best times to repot, as the plant is entering its active growing season, allowing it to recover and establish more easily in its new container. When repotting, choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current one and use fresh potting soil to encourage healthy growth and root development.

Yes, you can trim the brown tips off your Cast Iron Plant to keep it looking tidy. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to cut just the browned edges, leaving as much green as possible. Avoid cutting into the green part of the leaf, as this can cause further stress to the plant. Regularly trimming the brown tips not only improves the appearance of your Cast Iron Plant but also helps prevent potential diseases from developing at the sites of damaged tissue. Make sure to regularly check the plant's watering needs and environmental conditions to prevent further browning.

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In cases of extreme cold or hot weather, we may temporarily delay shipping to ensure the well-being of your plants. Our primary focus is on delivering healthy and thriving plants to you. Rest assured, we'll make every effort to notify you of any delays promptly.

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At Simply Trees, we're committed to your satisfaction. If your plants arrive considerably damaged or sustained damage beyond the point of recovery, please contact us within five days at with clear photos of the entire plant in question for assistance. Our 30-day guarantee covers issues after planting, subject to our terms and conditions. We can't cover plants in the wrong climate or with inadequate care, but we're here to help in other situations. For a detailed understanding of our 30-day guarantee and how we ensure a fair process, click here to learn more.


Your order from Simply Trees is more than just a box of plants—it’s a carefully curated experience. Here’s what’s inside:

  • We hand-select our plants for premium-quality from top growers nationwide
  • Each plant is then cleaned, prepped, and pruned to remove any blemishes and encourage new growth
  • Expertly treated and inspected for preventative measure
  • The pot is wrapped in a durable plastic bag and secured with a zip tie; house plants get extra protection with a recyclable nursery bag
  • Your plant is strapped into our durable double-pane boxes, secured in place with a heavy-duty zip tie to ensure safe transit
  • A thank you card with a QR code leads to our guide on welcoming your new plants home

We take pride in making sure every detail is just right, so you can enjoy your new greenery from the moment it arrives.

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We've perfected the art of packaging and shipping plants and trees! Unlike most online retailers, we handle everything in-house—no third-party fulfillment. Our experienced team carefully packages your plants to ensure they arrive from our farm to your door in perfect condition.