Green Cloud Texas Sage


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Green Cloud Texas Sage is a resilient, evergreen shrub known for its dense, silvery-green foliage and subtle purple flowers. Its compact form and drought tolerance make it an excellent choice for low-maintenance landscapes, providing year-round interest and a touch of color in arid environments.

  • Botanical name: Leucophyllum frutescens 'Green Cloud'
  • Bloom time: Summer to fall
  • Evergreen
  • Grown in the USA

Prefers full sun

Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry. Approximately every 2-3 weeks. Watering frequency may vary based on climate and establishment phase.

Hardy in USDA Zones 7-10; thrives in hot, dry climates with well-draining soil

Note: Green Cloud Texas Sage is highly drought-tolerant but appreciates occasional deep watering during extended dry periods. It benefits from occasional pruning to maintain its shape and remove any dead or damaged branches.


The Green Cloud Texas Sage, scientifically known as Leucophyllum frutescens 'Green Cloud', is a stunning and hardy shrub known for its vibrant green foliage and spectacular purple flowers. This drought-tolerant plant is a favorite in arid and semi-arid landscapes, thriving with minimal water once established. The Green Cloud Texas Sage bursts into bloom after rain showers, providing a dynamic and colorful display in gardens. Its ability to flourish in hot, dry climates makes it a top choice for gardeners looking to add low-maintenance, yet visually striking, elements to their outdoor spaces.


Moderate to fast growth rate. Reaches a mature height and width of about 5-7 ft


The Green Cloud Texas Sage thrives in full sunlight, requiring at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day for optimal growth and flowering. Water the shrub deeply and infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Once established, it is highly drought-tolerant and should be watered sparingly. Provide supplemental watering during extended dry periods or when the plant shows signs of wilting.


Pruning: The Green Cloud Texas Sage typically requires minimal pruning. However, if necessary, prune the shrub after its flowering period to maintain its desired shape and remove any dead or damaged branches.

Fertilization: Fertilize the Green Cloud Texas Sage once a year in early spring with a balanced slow-release fertilizer. Follow the package instructions for application rates and ensure the fertilizer is spread evenly around the base of the plant. Avoid over-fertilization, as it can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of flowering.

Winter Protection: The Green Cloud Texas Sage is hardy in USDA zones 8-11. In cooler regions, where temperatures may drop below freezing, protect the plant during winter by covering it with a frost cloth or mulching around the base with a layer of organic material. Ensure the soil remains well-draining during the winter months.


When planting the Green Cloud Texas Sage, select a location that receives full sunlight, as this plant thrives in bright, direct light. Ensure the soil is well-draining and amended with organic matter to promote healthy growth. Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball, place the shrub in the hole, and backfill with soil, gently firming it around the roots. Water the plant deeply after planting and continue regular watering until it becomes established. If planting in a pot, choose a container with drainage holes, use well-draining soil, and water thoroughly after planting.


Zones 8-11

The Green Cloud Texas Sage (Leucophyllum frutescens) is ideally suited for USDA hardiness zones 8-11. It exhibits excellent tolerance to heat, drought, and arid conditions, making it an ideal choice for gardens in these regions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Green Cloud Texas Sage typically reaches a height of about 5 to 8 feet and a similar width of 5 to 8 feet. This evergreen shrub is known for its lush, dark green foliage and vibrant purple flowers, making it a popular choice for landscapes in regions where it thrives. Its size and attractive appearance make it suitable for use as a hedge, screen, or accent plant.

Green Cloud Texas Sage is known for its drought tolerance and requires minimal watering once established. Here's a guideline for watering:

Newly Planted Shrubs: For the first few months after planting, water regularly to help establish the root system. This might mean watering once or twice a week, depending on the climate and soil conditions.

Established Shrubs: Once established, Green Cloud Texas Sage requires very little water. Watering once every two to three weeks during dry periods is typically sufficient. In regions with regular rainfall, additional watering may not be necessary.

Check Soil Moisture: Before watering, check the soil moisture. Texas Sage prefers dry conditions, so it's important to let the soil dry out between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other problems.

Reduce Watering in Winter: Cut back on watering in the winter months when the plant's growth slows down.

Remember, this plant is adapted to arid conditions, so erring on the side of underwatering is preferable to overwatering.

Green Cloud Texas Sage is considered a moderately fast-growing shrub. Under optimal conditions, it can grow approximately 1 to 2 feet per year. This growth rate allows it to establish and reach a noticeable size fairly quickly, making it a popular choice for landscapes where rapid coverage or filling in spaces is desired. The actual growth rate can vary depending on factors such as local climate, soil conditions, and care practices.

Yes, Green Cloud Texas Sage can be pruned, but it should be done judiciously. Pruning can help maintain its shape, encourage bushier growth, and enhance flowering. However, over-pruning or improper pruning techniques can damage the plant. Here are some guidelines:

Pruning Time: The best time to prune is in late winter or early spring, before the onset of new growth. Avoid heavy pruning in late summer or fall.

Light Pruning: Opt for light pruning rather than cutting the plant back severely. Remove any dead or damaged branches and lightly shape the plant as needed.

Natural Shape: Texas Sage naturally has a rounded, bushy form. Try to maintain its natural shape when pruning, rather than shearing it into formal geometric shapes.

Encourage Flowering: Pruning can stimulate new growth, which in turn can lead to more flowering. Pruning immediately after a bloom cycle can encourage additional blooming periods.

Avoid Over-Pruning: Excessive pruning can stress the plant and diminish its natural beauty. Texas Sage often thrives with minimal interference.

Following these pruning practices will help keep your Green Cloud Texas Sage healthy and attractive while preserving its natural form and maximizing its flowering potential.

The best place to plant Green Cloud Texas Sage is in an area that meets the following conditions:

Sunlight: Choose a location that receives full sun. Texas Sage thrives in areas with plenty of direct sunlight, ideally 6 or more hours per day.

Soil: Plant in well-draining soil. Texas Sage does not tolerate wet or waterlogged conditions well, so good drainage is essential. It is adaptable to a variety of soil types, including poor or rocky soils.

Space: Allow enough space for the plant to reach its mature size, which is about 5 to 8 feet tall and wide. Consider this when planting near structures or other plants.

Air Circulation: Ensure there is good air circulation around the plant. Avoid overly crowded planting, which can lead to humidity issues and affect the health of the shrub.

Low Water Area: Since Texas Sage is drought-tolerant, it's an excellent choice for xeriscaping or in areas where water conservation is a priority.

By planting Green Cloud Texas Sage in a location with full sun, well-draining soil, and adequate space, you'll provide an ideal environment for this hardy and attractive shrub to thrive.

Green Cloud Texas Sage typically blooms from early summer to fall. The blooming period can vary depending on the regional climate and environmental conditions. This shrub is known for its showy, vibrant purple flowers that bloom after rainfall, hence its nickname "barometer bush." In regions with more frequent rain, it may bloom several times throughout the season. The blooms are not only attractive but also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.

The best climate for Green Cloud Texas Sage is a warm, arid, or semi-arid climate. It is particularly well-suited to regions with the following characteristics:

USDA Hardiness Zones: It thrives in USDA zones 8 to 11. This means it can tolerate hot summers and is relatively hardy to mild winter conditions.

Temperature: It performs best in warm temperatures and can tolerate high heat, making it ideal for hot, desert-like environments.

Sunlight: This plant prefers full sun, so a climate with abundant sunshine is ideal.

Low Humidity: Green Cloud Texas Sage does well in low humidity conditions and might struggle in areas with high humidity.

Drought Tolerance: It is highly drought-tolerant, making it suitable for regions with dry conditions and infrequent rainfall.

Overall, Green Cloud Texas Sage is well adapted to the warm, dry climates typical of the southwestern United States and similar regions. It's a popular choice in landscapes where water conservation is essential.

If your Green Cloud Texas Sage is turning brown, there could be several reasons:

Water Stress: Overwatering or underwatering can cause stress to the plant. Overwatering, leading to root rot, is a common cause of browning, especially in a plant that prefers dry conditions like Texas Sage. Underwatering can also cause the plant to dry out and turn brown, particularly in very hot and dry conditions.

Soil Conditions: Poor drainage leading to waterlogged soil can be detrimental. Texas Sage needs well-draining soil to prevent root diseases.

Pests or Diseases: While Texas Sage is generally resistant to pests and diseases, it can occasionally be affected. Check for signs of infestation or disease.

Environmental Stress: Extreme weather conditions, like prolonged drought, excessive heat, or cold, can impact the plant's health, leading to browning.

Fertilizer Burn: Excessive fertilization can lead to fertilizer burn, which can cause the leaves to turn brown.

To address the issue, first ensure that the plant is receiving the right amount of water and is planted in well-draining soil. Adjust watering practices as needed, check for pests or diseases, and protect the plant from extreme weather conditions. Avoid over-fertilizing and use a fertilizer appropriate for arid, drought-tolerant plants if necessary.

If your Green Cloud Texas Sage is not blooming, there could be several reasons:

Insufficient Sunlight: Texas Sage requires full sun to bloom profusely. If it's planted in too much shade, it may not produce flowers.

Overwatering: Texas Sage is a drought-tolerant plant, and too much water can inhibit blooming. Overwatering can also lead to root rot and other health issues.

Improper Pruning: Pruning at the wrong time can remove flower buds. It's best to prune right after a bloom cycle to avoid cutting off potential blooms.

Age of the Plant: Very young plants may not bloom. They typically need a few years to mature before they start flowering.

Nutrient Imbalance: Excessive nitrogen can encourage leaf growth at the expense of flowers. Ensure you're using a balanced fertilizer.

Environmental Stress: Extreme weather conditions like prolonged drought, excessive heat, or cold can affect blooming.

To encourage blooming, ensure your Texas Sage is getting enough sunlight, adjust your watering habits (less is more), prune correctly, and use a balanced fertilizer if necessary. In time, with the right conditions, your Texas Sage should start blooming.

Yes, Green Cloud Texas Sage is an evergreen shrub, meaning it retains its leaves and stays green throughout the year. Its foliage maintains a vibrant green color in all seasons, making it a popular choice for adding year-round interest to landscapes. However, the intensity of the green color can vary slightly depending on environmental factors such as temperature and sunlight.

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