Bromeliad Guzmania Orange


Ships 1-3 Days*


Small, 1 to 3 ft or 6 inch pot
Medium, 3 to 4 ft or 8 to 10 inch pot
Large, 4 to 5 ft or 8 to 10 inch pot
XL, 5 to 6 ft or 10 to 12 inch pot
XXL, 6 to 7 ft or 10 to 14 inch pot

Please Note: Sizing can differ between plant varieties. Please chat with us if you need clarification.

*Measured from the bottom of the pot.


The Bromeliad Guzmania Orange dazzles with its bright orange bracts and lush green leaves, bringing a vibrant, tropical touch to any indoor space. Its stunning color and unique appearance make it a captivating addition to your home decor.

  • Botanical name: Bromeliad Guzmania lingulata
  • Other Common Names: Scarlet Star
  • Grown in the USA

Prefers bright indirect sunlight

Keep the central cup filled with water and mist regularly.

The Bromeliad Guzmania Orange is generally easy to care for.

Yes, this plant is safe for homes with pets.

Note: The Bromeliad Guzmania Orange thrives in high humidity, making it an excellent choice for bathrooms or kitchens.

*The pot pictured is not included.


The Bromeliad Guzmania, a vibrant and exotic indoor plant, is celebrated for its striking, colorful bracts and lush green leaves that add a tropical flair to any living space. This plant, known for its brilliant, long-lasting blooms, creates an instant focal point, infusing your home or office with a sense of adventure and natural beauty. The Bromeliad Guzmania not only enhances your interior decor but also thrives with minimal care, making it an ideal choice for busy lifestyles. Its evergreen presence ensures year-round beauty, making it a popular choice for those who appreciate both the aesthetic and practical benefits of indoor plants.


Slow growth rate; can reach a mature height of 1-2 feet and a width of 1-2 feet indoors.


Keep the central vase filled halfway with water and keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

The Bromeliad Guzmania thrives in bright, indirect sunlight but can also adapt to lower light conditions, making it versatile for various indoor settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bromeliad Guzmania typically reaches a modest size, making it an ideal houseplant for various settings. On average, the plant grows to about 12 to 24 inches in height and 12 to 24 inches in width. The size can vary depending on the specific variety and the growing conditions provided.

The plant forms a tight rosette of narrow, arching leaves that can be quite striking. The central feature of the Bromeliad Guzmania is its bright, colorful bract that holds the small, true flowers. This bract can add significantly to the plant's height and visual impact during its blooming period.

Given its moderate size, Bromeliad Guzmania is well-suited for tabletops, desks, and shelves where its colorful bract can serve as an attractive focal point without requiring a lot of space. Proper care, including appropriate lighting, watering, and humidity levels, will help maintain its size and health, allowing it to thrive indoors.

Bromeliad Guzmania generally grows at a moderate pace. The rate at which it grows can vary depending on several factors such as light, temperature, humidity, and how well it's being cared for.

Typically, a Bromeliad Guzmania will take a few years to reach maturity and bloom. The growth cycle of the plant involves gradually forming a rosette of leaves that becomes more pronounced as it matures. Once mature, the plant will produce a flower spike, and this flowering event is the pinnacle of the plant's growth process. This bloom lasts several months but will occur only once in the plant’s lifetime. After blooming, the focus shifts to producing pups (offsets) that grow from the base of the plant.

During its growth period before flowering, you can expect the plant to expand its leaf rosette slowly, with visible changes occurring over weeks or months. Adequate care with proper lighting, watering, and humidity is essential for promoting healthy growth and eventually witnessing the beautiful flower spike that Bromeliads are known for.

Caring for a Bromeliad Guzmania involves a few straightforward practices to ensure it remains healthy and vibrant. Here’s a comprehensive care guide:

Bright, Indirect Light: Bromeliad Guzmania thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. Place it near a window where it can receive filtered sunlight, avoiding direct sun exposure that can scorch the leaves.

Central Vase: Keep the central vase of the plant filled with water, changing it weekly to prevent stagnation and bacterial growth.
Soil Moisture: Water the soil sparingly. The soil should be allowed to dry slightly between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so ensure the pot has good drainage.

Humidity and Temperature
Humidity: Bromeliads prefer high humidity. If your indoor air is dry, use a humidifier or place the plant on a pebble tray with water to increase humidity around it.
Temperature: Maintain indoor temperatures between 65°F and 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Avoid placing your plant near drafts or vents where it might experience sudden temperature changes.

Light Feeding: Fertilize your Bromeliad Guzmania sparingly. Use a diluted, balanced, water-soluble fertilizer and apply it monthly during the growing season. Avoid getting fertilizer in the central cup.

Flower Care
Bloom Life Cycle: Understand that the colorful flower of the Bromeliad Guzmania is actually a bract, and the plant blooms once in its lifetime. Post bloom, focus on the care of the plant and its pups.

Propagation: After the main plant flowers, it will produce pups. Once these pups are about one-third of the size of the parent plant, they can be separated and repotted to start new plants.

General Maintenance
Pruning: Remove dead or dying leaves by cutting them at the base to keep the plant tidy and healthy.
Cleaning: Wipe the leaves occasionally with a damp cloth to remove dust, which can hinder the plant’s ability to photosynthesize effectively.

By following these care tips, your Bromeliad Guzmania can thrive and bring a vibrant, tropical aesthetic to your indoor space.

Finding the ideal location for your Bromeliad Guzmania in your home or office is key to ensuring its health and vibrancy. Here’s how to determine the best spot:

Light Requirements
Bright, Indirect Light: Bromeliad Guzmania thrives in bright, indirect light. A spot near a window that receives filtered sunlight or is shaded by sheer curtains is ideal. Avoid direct sunlight, especially during the peak hours of the day, as it can scorch the leaves.
East or North-facing Windows: These windows are typically best because they provide moderate light without the harsh intensity of direct sunlight, which can be too strong, especially in south-facing windows.

Temperature and Humidity
Warm Temperatures: Bromeliads prefer warmer environments typical of their native tropical habitats. Keep them in temperatures between 65°F and 80°F (18°C to 27°C).
Avoid Cold Drafts and Heat Sources: Position your plant away from drafty windows, doors, and clear of heating or cooling vents. Temperature fluctuations and drafts can stress the plant.

High Humidity: Bromeliad Guzmania enjoys a humid environment. If your home tends to be dry, especially during winter months, consider using a humidifier or placing the plant in naturally humid areas like kitchens or bathrooms (provided they receive enough light).
Pebble Tray: Alternatively, you can increase local humidity by placing the pot on a tray filled with pebbles and water, making sure the bottom of the pot isn’t sitting in water.

General Placement
Visual Appeal: Because of their striking appearance and vibrant flower bracts, placing Bromeliad Guzmania in a living area or any room where you entertain can add a bright splash of color and a tropical feel.
Accessibility: Choose a location where you can easily add water to the central cup and occasionally flush it out, as stagnant water can lead to rot and disease.

By considering these factors, you can find a location that not only meets the care requirements of the Bromeliad Guzmania but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your space.

Watering a Bromeliad Guzmania properly is crucial for its health, and it differs somewhat from the typical watering routine for other houseplants. Here's how to water your Bromeliad Guzmania effectively:

Watering the Central Vase:
Central Vase Method: Bromeliad Guzmania typically has a central "vase" or "cup" formed by the rosette of leaves where it naturally collects water in its native habitat. You should aim to keep this vase filled with water.
Change Water Regularly: It's important to flush the central vase regularly, ideally once a week, to prevent stagnant water, which can lead to rot and fungal infections. Simply empty the old water and refill with fresh water.

Watering the Soil:
Soil Moisture: While the central cup is important, you should also water the soil, but only when it feels dry to the touch. The soil should not remain soggy, as this can cause root rot.
Frequency: Typically, watering the soil every 1-2 weeks is sufficient, depending on the humidity and temperature of your environment. In more humid or cooler settings, you might need to water less frequently.

Environmental Factors:
Humidity: Bromeliads thrive in humid conditions. If your home is very dry, your plant may benefit from more frequent watering.
Temperature and Light: In warmer or brighter environments, evaporation occurs faster, and you may need to water more frequently. Conversely, in cooler or dimmer conditions, water less often.

Tips for Watering:
Type of Water: Bromeliads can be sensitive to chemicals commonly found in tap water, such as chlorine and fluoride. If possible, use rainwater or distilled water to avoid leaf tip burn.
Avoid Overwatering: Make sure not to overwater the soil, as the roots are susceptible to rot in waterlogged conditions.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Bromeliad Guzmania receives the right amount of water to thrive, balancing both the needs of its unique structure and the environmental conditions of your home.

The fading of flower color in Bromeliad Guzmania is a natural part of the plant's lifecycle. Here are the primary reasons why this occurs:

Natural Aging Process: Like all flowers, the blooms of Bromeliad Guzmania eventually age and lose their vibrant color. This color fading is a sign that the flower is past its peak and is beginning to decline. This process is inevitable and part of the natural aging and reproduction cycle of the plant.

Energy Redistribution: After flowering, the plant starts focusing its energy on producing pups (offsets) for reproduction. As the plant shifts its resources towards these new growths, the existing flower's color fades as it begins to die off.

Light Conditions: While light is essential for the initial development and maintenance of the flower’s color, excessive direct sunlight can hasten the fading process by causing the pigments in the flowers to degrade more quickly.

Nutrient Availability: If the plant lacks sufficient nutrients, especially during and after the blooming period, the flower may fade faster. Ensuring your Bromeliad has adequate nutrition can help prolong the vibrancy of the blooms.

Hydration: Inconsistent watering can stress the plant, including its flower, potentially leading to faster fading of the flower color. Adequate hydration is essential to maintaining the health and color of the bloom for as long as possible.

Although the fading of flowers is unavoidable, providing your Bromeliad with optimal care can maximize the duration and vibrancy of its bloom period. Once the flower has faded completely, it's a good idea to focus on caring for the overall health of the plant and any developing pups.

Yes, you can leave the Bromeliad pups attached to the mother plant if you prefer. There are several reasons you might choose to do this:

Ease of Care: By leaving the pups attached, you avoid the potential stress of transplanting them too early. They will continue to draw nutrients and support from the mother plant as they develop further.

Aesthetic Reasons: Some people prefer the look of a fuller, bushier plant. Keeping the pups attached can enhance the visual impact of the Bromeliad, making it appear more lush and vibrant.

Plant Health: Allowing the pups to grow larger while still attached can result in stronger, more robust plants once they are finally separated and transplanted.

Considerations for Keeping Pups Attached:
Monitoring Growth: Keep an eye on the overall health of both the mother plant and the pups. The mother plant will eventually begin to decline after flowering and as it puts energy into the pups. Ensure the pups are growing healthy and are not overcrowded.

Watering and Feeding: Continue regular care, watering the central cup of the mother plant and the surrounding soil as needed. The pups will also benefit from this care.

Timing for Separation: If you eventually decide to separate the pups, it’s best to do so when they are about one-third to one-half the size of the mother plant and have developed their own root systems. This typically provides them with a good start when transplanted to their own pots.

Leaving the pups on the mother plant for a longer period can simplify care and create a more attractive display in your home or office. However, once the mother plant starts to significantly decline, it may be time to remove the pups to prevent overcrowding and to give them their own space to thrive.

Removing the pups from your Bromeliad Guzmania is an exciting part of the plant's life cycle, allowing you to propagate new plants. Here’s how and when to remove them for the best success:

Best Time to Remove Pups
Size Matters: Wait until the pups are about one-third to one-half the size of the parent plant. This typically happens several months after the mother plant has bloomed. The pups need to be large enough to survive on their own and have developed their own root systems.
Steps to Remove Pups
Examine the Base: Look for pups that have grown at the base of the parent plant. These pups should have their own roots and a few leaves of their own.

Prepare Tools: Use a sharp, clean knife or scissors. Sterilize them with rubbing alcohol to prevent transmitting any diseases to the plants.

Careful Separation: Gently pull the pup away from the mother plant to see if it is ready to detach easily. If it doesn’t, use your knife or scissors to cut it away, making sure to include part of the root system with the pup.

Potting the Pups: Plant the pups in small pots filled with a well-draining potting mix suitable for bromeliads, such as a mix of orchid bark and perlite or coarse sand. Water the soil lightly.

Aftercare: Place the potted pups in bright, indirect light and continue to water sparingly, allowing the top of the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.

Additional Tips
Patience: If the pups don’t seem ready to be detached or are too small, give them more time to develop. This patience can lead to stronger, more viable new plants.

Mother Plant Care: Continue to care for the mother plant as usual, even after it has stopped blooming. It can still produce more pups before eventually dying off.

Removing and potting the pups at the right time helps ensure that they will grow into healthy, independent Bromeliad Guzmania plants, continuing the lifecycle of your beautiful bromeliads.

Bromeliad Guzmania can tolerate low light conditions, but it won't thrive or bloom as well as it would in brighter environments. If kept in low light, you may notice slower growth and less vibrant colors. For optimal health and to encourage blooming, here's what you should consider regarding light:

Ideal Light Conditions: Bromeliad Guzmania performs best in bright, indirect light. A spot near a window that gets filtered sunlight or is shaded by sheer curtains is ideal. East-facing windows are particularly suitable because they provide moderate sunlight without the harsh intensity of direct afternoon sun.

Adapting to Low Light: If you must place your Bromeliad Guzmania in a low-light area, there are a few things you can do to help it cope:

- Rotate the plant periodically to ensure all sides receive equal light exposure.
- Clean the leaves regularly to maximize light absorption, removing dust that can block sunlight.
- Consider using artificial grow lights to supplement the natural light, especially in darker rooms or during darker months.

While Bromeliad Guzmania is adaptable and can survive in lower light, aiming for the right lighting conditions will enhance the plant's growth, color, and potential for blooming.

Getting a Bromeliad Guzmania to bloom again can be challenging, as these plants typically flower once in their lifetime. After blooming, the plant focuses on producing pups or offsets. Here’s how you can encourage these pups to grow and eventually bloom:

Care After Blooming: Once the original flower fades, continue caring for the plant as usual. Maintain watering by filling the central cup of the bromeliad and keep the soil lightly moist but not waterlogged. Provide bright, indirect light and ensure the plant is in a warm environment.

Encourage Pup Growth: After the mother plant flowers, it will start producing pups. Allow the pups to grow with the mother plant until they are about one-third the size of the parent. This usually takes a few months.

Separate the Pups: Once the pups are large enough, you can carefully separate them from the mother plant using a sharp, sterile knife. Make sure each pup has some roots attached.

Repotting Pups: Plant each pup in its own pot using a well-draining potting mix suitable for bromeliads, such as a mixture of orchid bark and coarse sand. Water the pups and place them in bright, indirect light.

Mature Pup Care: Continue to care for the pups as you did the mother plant. It typically takes a few years for the pups to mature and reach blooming size.

Triggering Blooms: If the pups are mature and healthy but haven't bloomed, you can try to encourage flowering by placing the plant in a clear plastic bag with a ripe apple for 7-10 days. The apple releases ethylene gas, which can trigger the bromeliad to bloom. Ensure the plant is not in direct sunlight during this process, and avoid letting the apple touch the leaves to prevent rot.

By following these steps, you can maximize your chances of seeing a new bloom from the pups of your original Bromeliad Guzmania.

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Your order from Simply Trees is more than just a box of plants—it’s a carefully curated experience. Here’s what’s inside:

  • We hand-select our plants for premium-quality from top growers nationwide
  • Each plant is then cleaned, prepped, and pruned to remove any blemishes and encourage new growth
  • Expertly treated and inspected for preventative measure
  • The pot is wrapped in a durable plastic bag and secured with a zip tie; house plants get extra protection with a recyclable nursery bag
  • Your plant is strapped into our durable double-pane boxes, secured in place with a heavy-duty zip tie to ensure safe transit
  • A thank you card with a QR code leads to our guide on welcoming your new plants home

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