Petite Orchid™ Dwarf Crape Myrtle

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Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle is a compact shrub known for its beautiful orchid-colored flowers that bloom in summer. Its small size and elegant blooms make it a perfect choice for adding a touch of color to smaller garden spaces and containers.

  • Botanical name: Lagerstroemia indica 'Monhid'
  • Bloom time: Summer
  • Deciduous
  • Grown in the USA

Prefers full sun

Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry. Approximately every 1-2 weeks. Watering frequency may vary based on climate and establishment phase.

Hardy in USDA Zones 7-9; thrives in warm, sunny climates with well-draining soil

Note: Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle may need occasional pruning to keep its compact shape and encourage abundant flowering.


The Petite Orchid™ Crape Myrtle, scientifically known as Lagerstroemia indica 'Monhid', is a beguiling deciduous shrub that adorns gardens with a cascade of orchid-hued blooms. This radiant beauty, with its soft purple flowers, becomes a focal point, drawing pollinators and admiring glances alike. In nurturing environments, Petite Orchid™ ensures a long-lasting display of color and charm, standing as an impeccable choice for those desiring an infusion of nature's artistry in their landscapes.


Moderate growth rate; typically attains a height of 4-5 feet and a width of 3-4 feet


Ensuring regular and thorough watering is key for the Petite Orchid™, especially during dry periods. Paired with a location that provides abundant sunlight, this regimen will sustain the plant's vigor and optimize its bloom intensity.


Pruning: Late winter or early spring is the prime time for pruning. Removing any dead or crossing branches will encourage healthy growth and improve the plant's overall shape.

Fertilization: A balanced, slow-release fertilizer applied in early spring can bolster the plant's growth and enhance flower production.

Winter Protection: In zones closer to the colder end of its range, adding a protective layer of mulch around the base can help shield the roots during winter.


Select a site with well-draining soil and ample sunlight. Dig a hole about twice the width of the root ball and of equal depth. Carefully position the Petite Orchid™ Crape Myrtle in the hole, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the ground surface. Backfill the hole with a mix of native soil and compost, then water generously. Applying a layer of mulch around the plant's base can help retain moisture and suppress weed growth.


Zones 6-9

The Petite Orchid™ Crape Myrtle flourishes in temperate climates, basking in summer's warmth and transitioning gracefully as temperatures dip. The plant's affinity for sun ensures a prolonged bloom display during hot spells, and its adaptability across a variety of soils makes it a treasured presence across its USDA zones.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle is a compact and slow-growing variety, making it an excellent choice for smaller gardens, borders, or container planting. Here are the details regarding its size, growth rate, and time to reach maturity:

Height: Petite Orchid typically reaches a mature height of around 3 to 4 feet. It has a low and compact growth habit.

Width: The plant generally has a similar spread to its height, reaching a width of about 3 to 4 feet. Its compact nature helps it maintain a tidy appearance.

Growth Rate: Petite Orchid is a slow-growing crape myrtle variety compared to some of the larger, faster-growing cultivars. It grows at a moderate pace but takes its time to establish itself.

The growth rate of crape myrtles, including Petite Orchid, can vary depending on local climate conditions, soil quality, and care practices. On average, you can expect it to grow approximately 6 inches to 1 foot in height per year under favorable conditions.

To reach its mature height and width, Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle may take several years, typically 3 to 5 years or more, depending on the initial size of the plant at planting and the local growing environment. However, even as it grows, it maintains a relatively compact and manageable size, making it suitable for smaller garden spaces or as a decorative accent in the landscape.

The best time of year to plant Crape Myrtle shrubs, including Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle, is during the late winter to early spring or in the fall. These seasons provide optimal conditions for successful establishment and healthy growth. Here are some considerations for each planting season:

Late Winter to Early Spring (February to April):
Planting Crape Myrtles in late winter to early spring, before new growth begins, is a popular choice. This allows the shrub to establish its roots before the hot summer months.
The soil is generally moist and warming up during this period, which encourages root development. Crape Myrtles have time to acclimate to their new surroundings and prepare for the upcoming growing season.

Fall (September to November):
Planting in the fall can also be a good option, particularly in regions with mild or temperate climates. Fall planting allows the shrub to take advantage of the cooler temperatures and reduced heat stress.Planting in early fall provides time for root establishment before winter dormancy. Be cautious about planting too late in the fall, as the shrub may not have sufficient time to develop its root system before winter arrives.

Regardless of the season you choose for planting, consider the following tips for successful Crape Myrtle establishment:

Select a Suitable Location: Choose a planting site that receives full sun for most of the day, as Crape Myrtles thrive in bright sunlight. Ensure the soil is well-drained.

Prepare the Soil: Prepare the planting hole with well-amended soil to provide good drainage and fertility. Incorporate organic matter like compost or peat moss into the soil.

Planting Depth: Plant the Crape Myrtle at the same depth it was in the nursery container or slightly above the soil surface.

Watering: Provide adequate water immediately after planting and maintain consistent moisture during the establishment period.

Mulch: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the shrub to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and maintain soil temperature.

Pruning: While pruning is generally minimal at planting, remove any dead or damaged branches. Save major pruning for late winter or early spring after the first growing season.

Fertilization: Consider applying a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring to support growth.

Keep in mind that Crape Myrtles are relatively resilient and adaptable plants, and they can thrive when planted with care in the appropriate season. The key is to provide the right growing conditions and attentive care during the establishment phase to help the shrub thrive in your landscape.

The Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle is known for its extended blooming period during the summer months. While the exact duration of its bloom may vary depending on local climate conditions, soil quality, and other factors, you can typically expect Petite Orchid to bloom for several weeks to several months.

In many regions with favorable growing conditions, Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle can start flowering in late spring or early summer and continue to produce its charming orchid-like pink flowers well into the late summer or even early fall. This long-lasting blooming period makes it a popular choice for adding vibrant color and visual interest to garden landscapes.

To help prolong the blooming period and encourage additional flowers, consider deadheading or removing spent flower clusters as they fade. Deadheading involves snipping off the faded flowers, which can stimulate the plant to produce more blooms.

While the exact timing and duration of blooming can vary based on local climate and care practices, Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle is cherished for its extended and beautiful flowering season.

The spacing for planting Petite Orchid Crape Myrtles will depend on your desired landscape design, but typically, you should space them at least 6 to 10 feet apart. Here are some factors to consider when determining the spacing:

Mature Size: Petite Orchid Crape Myrtles are compact varieties that typically reach a height of about 4 to 6 feet and have a similar spread. Consider the mature size of the plants when determining the spacing.

Landscape Design: If you want to create a dense, full look in your landscape, you can plant them closer together, around 6 feet apart. This will result in a more hedge-like appearance when the plants mature.

Air Circulation: Proper spacing allows for good air circulation between the plants, which can help prevent fungal diseases and promote overall plant health.

Sunlight: Ensure that each plant receives adequate sunlight. Petite Orchid Crape Myrtles thrive in full sun, so avoid overcrowding that might shade the lower branches and limit flowering.

Maintenance: Consider the ease of maintenance when spacing your plants. Adequate spacing allows you to access and care for each plant without excessive crowding.

Aesthetic Preferences: Spacing can also be adjusted based on your aesthetic preferences and the overall design of your landscape. You can create clusters or groupings of these crape myrtles for a visually appealing effect.

Before planting, it's a good idea to lay out the plants in your desired arrangement to see how they will look in the landscape. This will help you determine the spacing that best suits your garden design and allows the Petite Orchid Crape Myrtles to thrive while maintaining an attractive appearance as they mature.

Petite Orchid Crape Myrtles typically begin to bloom within the first 2 to 3 years after planting, but this can vary depending on several factors, including the age of the plant at the time of planting, growing conditions, and climate. Here are some key points to consider regarding the flowering timeline of Petite Orchid Crape Myrtles:

Age of the Plant: Young crape myrtles, especially those planted from small nursery containers or cuttings, may take a bit longer to establish themselves and produce abundant blooms. It's common for newly planted crape myrtles to focus on root development during the first year or two.

Growing Conditions: Providing optimal growing conditions, such as full sun, well-drained soil, and proper watering, can encourage earlier blooming. Crape myrtles thrive in full sun and are more likely to produce profuse blooms in such conditions.

Climate: Local climate and weather patterns can influence the flowering timeline. Crape myrtles generally bloom during the warm summer months, so regions with shorter growing seasons may experience slightly delayed blooming.

Pruning: Pruning practices can affect flowering. Avoid heavy pruning or pruning at the wrong time, as this can remove flower buds and delay blooming. Prune conservatively to maintain a natural shape.

Fertilization: Proper fertilization can promote healthy growth and flowering. Applying a balanced fertilizer designed for flowering shrubs in early spring can support blooming.

Varietal Differences: Different crape myrtle cultivars may have varying blooming times. Some varieties may bloom earlier or later than others.

Microclimates: Within your garden or landscape, there may be microclimates that influence when your crape myrtle blooms. Factors like heat retention, wind exposure, and soil variations can play a role.

While Petite Orchid Crape Myrtles may start blooming within a couple of years after planting, it's not uncommon for them to take a bit longer to reach their full flowering potential. As the plant matures and establishes its root system, you can expect to see more profuse and vibrant blooms in the subsequent years. Be patient and provide consistent care to encourage healthy growth and flowering.

Yes, you can prune your Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle to grow in a tree form, commonly referred to as "crape myrtle tree" or "standard crape myrtle." Many crape myrtle varieties are well-suited for this form, including Petite Orchid. Here's how to prune your crape myrtle to achieve a tree form:

The best time to prune your crape myrtle to a tree form is during late winter or early spring, before new growth begins. This is typically in February or March, depending on your local climate.

Pruning Steps:
1. Select the Main Trunk: Identify a single, strong, central trunk that will serve as the main stem of your crape myrtle tree. This trunk should be free of any side branches for the desired height of the tree.

2. Remove Lower Branches: Starting from the ground, remove any lower branches that you do not want to include in the tree form. Make clean cuts just outside the branch collar, where the branch meets the trunk. Use sharp, clean pruning shears or loppers for this.

3. Choose the Desired Height: Decide how tall you want your crape myrtle tree to be. Typically, crape myrtle trees are pruned to have a clear trunk for about one-third to half of their total height.

4. Maintain a Balanced Canopy: As your crape myrtle grows, encourage a balanced canopy by selectively pruning branches that grow too low or in a way that disrupts the tree's shape. Make these cuts just above a bud or lateral branch.

5. Remove Suckers: Keep an eye out for suckers or shoots that emerge from the base of the tree or along the trunk. These should be pruned regularly to maintain the tree form.

6. Regular Maintenance: Continue to monitor and prune your crape myrtle tree as it grows to maintain the desired shape and height. You may need to prune annually or as needed to control growth.

7. Mulch: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to conserve moisture and suppress weeds. This will help protect the trunk and maintain soil temperature.

Remember that crape myrtle trees can tolerate pruning, but avoid the excessive or improper pruning often referred to as "crape murder," which involves cutting branches back severely. Such practices can harm the tree and reduce flowering. Instead, aim for balanced and selective pruning to maintain the tree form while preserving the natural beauty of the crape myrtle.

Several factors can contribute to a Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle not blooming as expected. Here are some common reasons and solutions to help encourage blooming:

Young Age: Crape myrtles, like many flowering shrubs, may take a few years to reach maturity and produce abundant blooms. If your plant is still relatively young, it may need more time to establish itself before it starts flowering. Be patient, and continue to care for it properly.

Pruning: Pruning at the wrong time or excessive pruning can remove potential flower buds. Crape myrtles typically bloom on new growth, so avoid heavy pruning during the growing season. If you need to prune, do so during late winter or early spring before new growth begins.

Improper Pruning: If you have pruned your crape myrtle too severely (commonly referred to as "crape murder"), it can result in reduced flowering. Avoid this practice, as it can harm the plant and disrupt its natural growth.

Inadequate Sunlight: Crape myrtles require full sun to produce abundant blooms. Ensure that your Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. If it's shaded by nearby trees or structures, it may not bloom well.

Nutrient Deficiency: A lack of essential nutrients, particularly phosphorus, can hinder flower production. Consider fertilizing your crape myrtle with a balanced fertilizer or one specifically formulated for flowering shrubs in the spring.

Poor Soil Drainage: Crape myrtles prefer well-draining soil. If the soil is excessively wet or poorly drained, it can stress the plant and affect its ability to bloom. Ensure proper drainage by amending the soil or planting in a well-draining location.

Disease or Pest Issues: Pests or diseases can weaken the plant and reduce flowering. Keep an eye out for signs of pests or fungal diseases and treat them promptly if detected.

Environmental Stress: Environmental stressors such as extreme heat, drought, or severe weather conditions can affect flowering. Ensure the plant receives adequate water during dry spells and protect it from extreme conditions.

Varietal Differences: While Petite Orchid is known for its prolific blooms, individual plant performance can vary. Some plants may naturally bloom more abundantly than others of the same variety.

Competition: Nearby plants, trees, or vegetation may be competing for nutrients and water, potentially affecting the crape myrtle's ability to bloom. Consider providing adequate spacing and nutrients.

If your Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle continues not to bloom despite addressing these factors, it may be helpful to consult with a local horticulturist or garden center for further guidance and a closer evaluation of your specific growing conditions.

The watering needs of your Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle will largely depend on several factors, including your local climate, soil type, and the age of the plant. However, here are some general guidelines to help you determine how often to water:

Establishment Period (First Year):
During the first year after planting, your crape myrtle will need more consistent watering to establish a strong root system. Water deeply and regularly to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Watering frequency may vary based on weather conditions. In hot and dry weather, you may need to water more often.

After Establishment:
Once your crape myrtle is established (usually after the first year), it becomes more drought-tolerant and requires less frequent watering. Water deeply when the soil becomes dry, but allow the top inch or two of soil to dry out between waterings. In most cases, established crape myrtles may need supplemental watering during prolonged dry spells or drought conditions.

Local Climate and Weather:
Adapt your watering schedule to your local climate. In regions with hot, dry summers, you may need to water more frequently. In cooler or more humid climates, less frequent watering may be necessary. Pay attention to rainfall patterns. If your crape myrtle receives adequate rain, you may not need to water as frequently.

Soil Type:
Well-draining soil is essential for crape myrtles. They do not tolerate waterlogged conditions. Ensure your soil has good drainage to prevent root rot. Sandy soils may require more frequent watering, while clay soils retain moisture better.

Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the crape myrtle to help conserve soil moisture and regulate soil temperature. Mulch can reduce the frequency of watering. To determine when to water, check the soil moisture by sticking your finger into the soil near the plant's root zone. If the top inch or two of soil feels dry, it's typically time to water. Water deeply, saturating the root zone, rather than shallow and frequent watering, which can encourage shallow root growth.

Remember that overwatering can be harmful to crape myrtles, so it's important to find the right balance based on your specific growing conditions. Adjust your watering schedule as needed to ensure your Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle remains healthy and well-hydrated.

The Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle is deciduous, which means it sheds its leaves in the fall. During the autumn months, the leaves of the Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle will change color and eventually fall off, leaving the branches bare for the winter. This deciduous nature is common among many crape myrtle varieties, and it is a normal part of their seasonal growth cycle. In the spring, new leaves will emerge as the plant enters the growing season, and it will produce its characteristic orchid-like pink flowers.

Pruning the Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle is a straightforward process, and it generally involves minimal maintenance. This compact crape myrtle variety is known for its small size and attractive, orchid-like pink flowers. Here are some guidelines for pruning your Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle:

The best time to prune your crape myrtle is during the late winter or early spring, before new growth begins. This is typically in February or March, depending on your local climate.

Pruning Steps:
Remove Dead or Diseased Branches: Begin by inspecting the crape myrtle for any dead, diseased, or damaged branches. Use sharp, clean pruning shears or loppers to cut these branches back to healthy growth or to the main stem.

Thinning: Crape myrtles benefit from occasional thinning to improve air circulation and reduce overcrowding. Selectively prune away some of the smaller, less vigorous branches to allow more light and air to penetrate the canopy. This helps prevent diseases and encourages better flowering.

Deadheading: After the initial spring bloom, you can deadhead or remove spent flower clusters to encourage additional blooming. Trim the spent flower clusters just below the base of the cluster.

Size Control: If your Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle is growing too tall or spreading wider than desired, you can trim it back selectively to maintain the desired size and shape. Make cuts just above a bud or lateral branch to encourage new growth.

Avoid Severe Pruning: While crape myrtles can tolerate pruning, avoid severe or indiscriminate pruning, such as "crape murder," which involves cutting the branches back to stubs. This practice can harm the plant and reduce flowering.

Remember that crape myrtles are forgiving plants, and they will respond well to proper pruning. The goal is to maintain a natural and pleasing shape while promoting healthy growth and flowering. Pruning should be done with care and moderation to ensure your Petite Orchid Crape Myrtle continues to thrive and provide beautiful blooms in your landscape.

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